Archive for May, 2017

Leaps and Bounds…

May 26, 2017

Hello Everyone,

These few weeks have opened quite a few doors for me and have been able to allow me to progress forward financially and the way I can now purchase things. Previously, I wasn’t able to do things like online banking, purchasing, or swiping my bank card. Now that I’ve upgraded my bank account, I’ve had a whole new world open to me.

One thing that I’ve got to be aware of though, is to keep an eye on my bank balance. As I’m progressing through this new freedom that I have, I’m starting to plan how my budget is going to look every month.

And, while I’m at it, since I now have a financial freedom online, I also plan on using it to benefit organisations like non-profits. What I want to do in this area, is pick one non-profit every month, see what I can afford, and donate to the non-profit of my choice. I’m going to develop a list of non-profits that I’m familiar with, and then every month, go down the list and donate to each of the ones I have on my list.

Another freedom that I now have, is being able to support authors as well, and by this I mean by buying their books. Most of the time, it will probably be restricted to ebooks (since shipping is expensive), but previously, I also wasn’t able to do a simple thing like this. I do have a limit as to how much I will spend on an ebook though.

I’ve still got to explore this new freedom of mine more thoroughly, but so far, it’s been such a nice experience.

Until next time,
