Posts Tagged ‘Hope’

Leaps and Bounds…

May 26, 2017

Hello Everyone,

These few weeks have opened quite a few doors for me and have been able to allow me to progress forward financially and the way I can now purchase things. Previously, I wasn’t able to do things like online banking, purchasing, or swiping my bank card. Now that I’ve upgraded my bank account, I’ve had a whole new world open to me.

One thing that I’ve got to be aware of though, is to keep an eye on my bank balance. As I’m progressing through this new freedom that I have, I’m starting to plan how my budget is going to look every month.

And, while I’m at it, since I now have a financial freedom online, I also plan on using it to benefit organisations like non-profits. What I want to do in this area, is pick one non-profit every month, see what I can afford, and donate to the non-profit of my choice. I’m going to develop a list of non-profits that I’m familiar with, and then every month, go down the list and donate to each of the ones I have on my list.

Another freedom that I now have, is being able to support authors as well, and by this I mean by buying their books. Most of the time, it will probably be restricted to ebooks (since shipping is expensive), but previously, I also wasn’t able to do a simple thing like this. I do have a limit as to how much I will spend on an ebook though.

I’ve still got to explore this new freedom of mine more thoroughly, but so far, it’s been such a nice experience.

Until next time,


Pleasantly speechless…

November 21, 2016

I’m doing this post in between the planning of a book blog post, that is going to be part of a book blog tour. I looked at my stats for my book blog, and for the second time I have been rendered pleasantly speechless.

I have been getting more views on my blog lately, and I am absolutely ecstatic about it! When I see things like this, then I know that the path I’m on to wanting to become a self employed book blogger is worth it; that all the planning that I’m doing is worth it.

As I’ve said previously, ideas have been flowing; and I’m hoping to put one of them out into the world of the internet and social media soon. I’ve just got to see to the finer details of it first and make sure that everything is in place. I’ll also keep you in suspense until closer to the time. All I’ll say at this stage, is that it is a read-a-thon that I’m planning (those that are in the book world will know what I’m talking about).

If things carry on going uphill (like I’m hoping), then I might be able to do a transition into a place next year where I will be a little bit closer to being self-employed. But I’ll also leave explaining what I mean by ‘transition’ in a later post.

Until next time,


PS. I would just like to say THANK YOU to EVERYONE who has supported me in anyway with my book blog and my blogging journey so far; you are ABSOLUTELY AWESOME!!!

Faith: Hope of better things to come?

October 15, 2016

I had an awesome start to the day. When I went on Twitter this morning, I was greeted by some great stats:

Twitter Impressions 2.JPG

I haven’t ever had stats like this before. And this made me think: What if I was on Twitter consistently every day? Social media is a world of opportunities, and this was pointed out to me this morning.

It makes me really excited to start this book blogging journey that I’m on, though with my day job, I know I won’t be able to hold stats like this. One thing about me is that I don’t just like tweeting about anything, or retweeting for that matter. So planning tweets in advance is a little bit pointless at this stage.

Thankfully I am off this weekend from work, so it has given me the opportunity to really throw myself into blogging and social media in general. I just wish everyday could be like this, but while I have my day job, and even when I become self-employed, I know that I’m not going to feel this great about my blogging journey everyday.

But it’s still an encouraging start; and I hope that I steadily keep on going up like this, or at least keeping things as consistent as possible.

For those who would like to follow me on Twitter, the link is here

Until next time,
